This is the same talk I had announced on my blog at the end of last year, under Appearing in Michigan. I describe the talk more there, but in brief this was about the secular and scientific foundations of morality, building and expanding on my book. My intro also goes over worldview theory, and why it is essential to developing sound moral thought. I also did about fifteen minutes on the moral aesthetics of cinema at the end of my talk, which was much more entertaining, but since that involved proprietary film clips, all of it was removed from the online video, which skips directly to Q&A, and even then only one or two questions are shown--the video even fades out in the middle of one of my answers! But I'm sure file length was an issue.
I just watched the video myself, and boy do I look like a kid! No one will believe I'm 37 there. Personally, I find that annoying. Can't I look all old and dignified instead? With my luck, when I finally start to look my age I'll probably shrivel up like Kris Kristofferson and scare neighborhood children with a smile like the crackled grimmace of a hellbeast. So I suppose I should count my blessings.
My advice: grow a beard.
Zachary Moore: My advice: grow a beard.
Oh, I've tried that. All it does is make me look like a thug. Not a step in the right direction. :-)
DOWNLOAD PROBLEM: Some have had problems downloading the video file (including me). Here is info on solving the problem...
I am running Mac OS 10.4.9 with an OmniWeb browser, and when I direct click on the link, it downloads as a .txt file, but when I right-click (which is control-click for Macs with a single-button mouse) and select download it downloads correctly as an .mp4 file.
Others have reported that even that tactic doesn't work. For them, for now, I recommend trying a different browser. If that fails, copy the link address into Quicktime (under File : Open URL) and try loading it directly there. If that fails, there is another way: go back to the web page and "View Source" (or view HTML or whatever your browser calls it) and search for the string Goodness.mp4 and then copy and paste the entire address as it presents there, into Quicktime.
All that is just a workaround for a flaw in Macs, which don't cope well when web address protocols are violated. The file name has spaces in it, which is a no-no for file exchange protocol on the web. Since no one is supposed to do it, evidently Mac browser engineers didn't provide for it, hence the strange behavior. I have notified the site and asked that they remove the spaces from the file name, but there is no telling if or when they will. But if they do, I suspect the download problem will vanish.
Richard: the download works fine on Windows/IE 7 by right-clicking on the link and saving the file.
An excellent presentation, in my opinion - very interesting and informative.
Richard, you wont believe how big of a fan i am of you! I wish you were my dad!
Hi, I'm a Mac. I can't handle simple downloads.
Hi, I'm a PC. I had this thing up and running with a simple button click.
Maddox has a great bit about the one thing Mac users can't do.
Don't worry. You look uncannily like I did when I was 37. You will change.
I did.
Thanks for all the kind words, everyone. And the snide ones, too. :-)
That's a big NO on the whole beard idea!
Someday when you're older you'll love looking younger than you really are! Trust me.
You need a haircut and some hair-styling products if you want to look older. Also some contacts. You're lucky enough to look boyish, though. Women love it. ;)
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